The Dim Sum Book Tag

I saw this on someone’s blog a little while back and thought it looked like fun. Then it popped up on Jessica (The Awkward Book Blogger)’s  blog the other day, and I knew I just had to give it a go (thanks Jessica)! I love dim sum and I love books, what a match made in heaven for my first book tag post.

The Dim Sum Book Tag is the brainchild of Joey @ Thoughts and Afterthoughts and Jenna @ Reading With Jenna. Dim sum is a style of Chinese cuisine in which food is served in small (tapas-like) portions and is common during yum cha (which means drinking tea). This tag is inspired by good company and good eats.


Here are some rules to devour this tag:

  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you, linking back to their site
  2. Devour dim sum and answer the tag questions
  3. Tag five others to join your round table for some dim sum fun
  4. Food coma


Tea: A book that started off hot but quickly turned cold

It (Stephen King): I wouldn’t say this one quickly turned cold because for the most part it was excellent, it just failed to stick the landing. For most of the book I was actually anxious at how scary some of it seemed and then all that went out the window with a really badly introduced sex scene and a silly explanation as to what IT was.

Chiu Chow Dumpling: A book that features elements of land and sea

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A Conjuring of Light (V. E. Schwab): I love this series, it’s one of my favourites of recent years. It took me a while to get into this instalment for some reason but by the time Kell, Lila and Alucard were sailing around in search of a certain item, I was definitely mesmerised again.

Rice Noodle Roll: A favourite multilayered character you’ve read (ex. traits? skills? morally ambiguous?)

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Kaz Brekkar – Six of Crows (Leigh Bardugo): I love a good anti-hero. It’s always wonderful to get a character that has layers, one that you’re not sure exactly what they’re going to do in a given situation. Kaz is exactly that. He has a heart, but it’s buried beneath a very carefully crafted façade, and he never fails to surprise me!

Shrimp Dumpling: A book with a transparent blurb that gives the story away.

I can’t think of anything I’ve read recently that’s done this however someone I know recently read The Three Body Problem by Cixin Liu and they thought the blurb gave away massive late book spoilers.

Steamed BBQ Pork Buns: A book that is fluffy on the outside but packs a punch of flavor (ex. message? depth? controversy?)

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Pride & Prejudice (Jane Austen): Sure, the message is pretty evident from the title, but I’m going with it anyway. Wrapped up in a love story are two important ideas. First, we shouldn’t judge people based on their families, their wealth, first appearances, etc. It’s important to get to know them because they may surprise you. Second, we must not let pride and stubbornness get in the way of doing the right thing.

Side note, I love BBQ pork buns. If I could live off them without getting fat, I would.

Chicken Feet: A book with divided opinions

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Throne of Glass (Sarah J. Maas): I know so many people who adore this series and then others, like myself, who haven’t really been that impressed. The opinions have only gotten more divided as the series has gone on, particularly in regards to book 5.

Lotus-Wrapped Sticky Rice: A book you’ve received/given that was nicely packaged

To be honest, I’ve never received or given a book in anything other than your basic wrapping paper. I mean, sure I’ve had some nice wrapping paper, but nothing that sticks out in my memory. Plus, the stuff I wrap tends to look like a truck’s run over it so I doubt we’d classify that as nicely packaged. Clearly I need to up my game!

Egg Custard Tart: A book that uses simple ingredients and clichés but executes it perfectly.

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Eragon (Christopher Paolini): A lot of people would probably disagree with me on this, but I actually quite enjoy Eragon. It includes so many different fantasy tropes – the old and wise mentor, the chosen one, an evil ruler, a damsel to be rescued, and so on. Yet, I still think it’s a solid fantasy book. Maybe not “perfect” as the question says but pretty good!

Mango Pudding with Evaporated Milk: Any book recommendation + beverage/snack that’s a winning combination

I don’t usually eat while I read, mostly because I’m worried about getting anything on my books, but also because I’m really not coordinated enough to do both at same time. However, if I had to pick something, it’d probably be hot chocolate because what story couldn’t possibly go with hot chocolate?

Fried Sesame Balls: A book cover with embossed text/design you just love to run your fingers over.

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Uprooted (Naomi Novik): I love running my fingers over the gold ripples at the top. Also, it’s just generally an amazing looking cover.

Dim Sum Steam Cart: The type of carrying bag you use to bring books around.

To be honest I only really carry my books and kindle around inside my handbag. Super boring, I know. It’s of a reasonable size and made of brown leather. I’ve had it for several years now and it was a birthday gift from my aunt and uncle. It has heaps of space, looks great with everything and is super durable!



I tag (all of which are wonderful blogs that you should check out if you haven’t already):

Azia @ The Uncharted World Alicia @ A Kernel of Nonsense | Wendy @ Birdie Bookworm | Jackie @ Too Much of a Book Nerd | Alice @ Arctic Books | Nicole @ Live Life Reading | Swetlana @ Reading Through the Nights | Taylor @ Mischievously Managed Books

Feel free to skip it if you’ve already done it (oops!), don’t do tags, or just generally don’t want to do it.

Also, if you’re feeling up for dim sum fun, I tag you too!

And…Food Coma!! *passes out*

Love Ashley

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